Apoye al Centro de Artes Musicales y al Programa Heartstrings en el Día de Colorado Gives

For over 20 years, the Center for Musical Arts’ Heartstrings program has been providing need-based tuition assistance and access to low- or no-cost musical instruments for students who cannot afford to rent them from a music store. Education Director Dr. Kathy Kucsan — she prefers to go by “Kathy” — is a co-founder of the school and has had a front seat from which to witness the power of the Heartstrings program.

Uno de los elementos clave del programa Heartstrings, la ayuda a la matrícula en función de las necesidades, funciona según el sistema de honor: no se requiere una larga solicitud ni copias de los impuestos, para asegurarse de que los estudiantes se sientan bienvenidos a solicitarla. Kathy explica que los estudiantes respetan el enfoque del Centro y que muchos de ellos vuelven como donantes y voluntarios más adelante. "Actualmente, alrededor del 35-40% de los estudiantes del Centro reciben algún grado de ayuda para la matrícula", dice; en 2019, eso equivalió a ~ 65,000 dólares en apoyo a esos estudiantes.

Kathy says that Heartstrings has continued to grow in new ways — for example, by providing 100% tuition assistance for veterans, as well as for Dreamers through the “I Have a Dream” Foundation, which serves under-resourced communities.

En los próximos 20 años, no faltan ideas sobre cómo el programa podría seguir expandiéndose para servir a su comunidad. Entre las asociaciones con organizaciones de servicios humanos y las conexiones más profundas con el Festival de Música de Colorado (la rama de actuación de la organización), las posibilidades son asombrosas.

The Heartstrings program has already enjoyed countless achievements and success stories in its first 20 years, from the 3rd grader who saved up $3.47 to donate to the program to the young clarinetist who told Kathy, “I get to play music so beautiful that it makes my heart hurt or sing.” In Kathy’s words, “To me, the major accomplishment is one person at a time getting to learn/play/listen to/love music because we gave them a way, and maybe their lives turned out just a little differently because they got to have music.”

This year, more than ever, the Heartstrings program needs support from community members like you. Please remember the Center for Musical Arts on Colorado Gives Day (Dec. 6) and with your year-end giving. Thank you for your continued support!

Make a donation (you can schedule your #COGivesDay donation any time after Nov 1)
Enjoy two testimonials from our recent 25th Anniversary celebration: