General Information
Where is the Center for Musical Arts located?
200 E. Baseline Road, Lafayette, CO 80026. Our building is located on the southeast corner of Harrison Street and Baseline Road, with our main door located on Harrison.
¿Cuál es el mejor lugar para aparcar?
Ample street parking is available on Harrison Street or on nearby blocks.
¿Alquilan o venden instrumentos musicales?
Yes! We rent instruments on a sliding scale to those who can’t afford to rent one. Interested in renting through us? Begin by filling out our instrument rental form. We do not sell instruments.
Can I rent space at the Center for Musical Arts?
Yes, though we only rent to community partners and other musical organizations. To inquire about rental, complete our contact form.
Current and Returning Students
What if I need to miss a lesson, am running late, or am sick?
If you need to miss a lesson, if you are running late, or if you are sick, please contact your teacher directly. Your teacher’s contact information is listed at the bottom of your invoice as well as in your welcome packet.
When and how can I change my lesson days or times?
You can request a change to your schedule at any time, though the best time to make changes is in the term-to-term re-enrollment period. If you are adjusting a single lesson, please speak to your teacher directly. To request a permanent change to your lesson day, time, instrument, or teacher, please contact the Registrar at
How can I add an additional lesson?
Sure! You first need to chat with your teacher and see if that is an option. The teacher will then communicate with the Registrar. Contact the office by email at or schedule a time to talk to us.
I told my music teacher that I want to continue with lessons. Why am I not scheduled?
General scheduling is handled by the Registrar, and not by the teacher. It is important that you re-enroll through the Registrar so you do not lose your spot in the schedule. You can find information about the re-enrollment process in the FAQ above. You can also contact the office by email at or schedule a time to talk to us.
How do I continue my lessons throughout the year?
We have a lesson continuation/re-enrollment process for lessons in which we check with you to make sure you don’t need to cancel or make other changes to your lessons. On the date that re-enrollment opens, you will receive a detailed email with your lesson information, important dates, and instructions.
How do I continue my class or ensemble throughout the year?
If you are enrolled in a class or ensemble, you will need to re-register for each term.
I am a returning lesson student. How can I register?
Welcome back! If you are coming back to the Center after a period of absence, please fill out our New Lesson Interest Form.
Music Lessons: Beginning & Logistics
No he tocado mi instrumento desde el instituto. ¿Por dónde debería empezar?
It is never too late to return to music! If you are very rusty, we recommend taking a few lessons to warm up. You can also consider our Ensembles; our Ensembles require a few basic skills including being able to read music, play scales, and the general knowledge of how to play the instrument.
What if my child has a learning difference?
We welcome individuals with learning differences. Please share this information with the Registrar as it will help us pick the best teacher for your child’s needs, and will help the teacher understand how to give your child the best educational and musical experience. We are respectful of any privacy concerns you might have.
Can I buy lessons or classes as a gift for someone else?
Yes. (And what a lovely idea!) You can purchase gift certificates here:
¿Cómo funcionan las clases?
- Se imparten clases de todos los instrumentos y de canto.
- Las clases tienen una duración de 15, 30, 45 o 60 minutos y ofrecen instrucción individualizada por parte de profesores expertos.
- Los estudiantes (de cualquier nivel) pueden participar en recitales cada trimestre si lo desean.
- La inscripción es por trimestre, pero las clases pueden iniciarse en cualquier momento del año y prorratearse por el resto del trimestre.
- Lessons are weekly, unless you choose the À La Carte option. For a slightly higher fee, you may choose a customized music lesson schedule.
- Two to four students may opt to take music lessons together to enhance learning and save on cost.
¿Cuál es el precio de las clases?
Visite nuestra página de Matrícula para obtener información detallada.
In keeping with the Center’s philosophy of offering music instruction to every student regardless of financial circumstance, we also offer need-based financial assistance.
¿Cómo me inscribo?
To enroll in music lessons, please complete our New Student Interest Form and our registrar will work with you to find just the right fit.
Can my teacher come to my house?
All lessons are held at the Center for Musical Arts at 200 E Baseline Road, Lafayette CO 80026. Our insurance will not allow us to send teachers to your home.
¿Cuál es el enfoque de la enseñanza del Centro?
Nuestra filosofía de enseñanza se basa en el aprendizaje por descubrimiento centrado en el estudiante. Nuestro profesorado es hábil y versátil, capaz de trabajar con estudiantes de todas las edades y habilidades. La música puede ser enriquecedora en cualquier nivel, y los instructores son capaces de trabajar con los estudiantes si se desean objetivos informales, de enriquecimiento o de nivel profesional.
What instruments do you teach at the Center for Musical Arts?
We teach almost every instrument you can imagine! Head to our Lessons page for more info.
How can I add an additional lesson?
Sure! You first need to chat with your teacher and see if that is an option. The teacher will then communicate with the Registrar. Contact the office by email at or schedule a time to talk to us.
When and how can I change my lesson days or times?
You can request a change to your schedule at any time, though the best time to make changes is in the term-to-term re-enrollment period. If you are adjusting a single lesson, please speak to your teacher directly. To request a permanent change to your lesson day, time, instrument, or teacher, please contact the Registrar at
How do I withdraw from lessons?
If you need to withdraw from lessons in the middle of a term, please complete our Lesson Withdrawal form. We require a 30-day advance written notice during which the student/family is financially responsible for all lessons until the termination date. For more information, see our Policies.
Clases y conjuntos
How do I sign up for a class or an ensemble?
La forma más fácil de inscribirse en las clases es a través de la página web. Algunos conjuntos requieren la aprobación de la facultad; por favor, rellene este formulario de interés y nos pondremos en contacto con usted.
¿Puedo unirme a una clase o conjunto después de que haya comenzado?
La respuesta depende del grupo o conjunto y de su disponibilidad. Ponte en contacto con la Oficina de Servicios Estudiantiles sobre la clase o conjunto específico en el que estás interesado.
¿Puedo probar una clase o conjunto antes de decidirme a inscribirme?
There may be a demo or a drop-in class available depending on the class. Please contact us about the specific class or ensemble you are interested in.
Who do I contact with questions about my bill?
Please reach out to the Registrar with questions about your bill.
Is there a discount for enrolling multiple family members/siblings?
No, there is no discount for enrolling multiple family members.
Do you offer payment plans?
Yes. Payment plans are available through the Registrar, using automatic payments on a saved credit card. There is no additional charge for payment plans.
Is there a discount for paying in advance?
No, there is no discount for paying in advance/all at once.
¿Cómo se solicita la ayuda financiera?
The Center for Musical Arts is proud to offer financial assistance to any student who needs it. Financial assistance is need-based and allocated on the honor system (no proof required); simply fill out this form in order to get started.
Outside of Lessons
My child isn’t practicing outside of lessons. How can I encourage them?
Your child’s teacher will certainly have some ideas about how to encourage your unique child. Be sure to ask! You can also read these posts on our blog: Love Your Practice Time: 12 Helpful Tips and Parents: 8 Practice Tips to Help Your Beginning Musicians.
How often should I practice each week?
The answer depends on your age, instrument, skill level, and several more factors. Your teacher can make the right recommendation for your unique situation.
Can I come to the Center to practice on a piano?
Yes! Timing depends upon what day and time you would like to practice. Every student can use the facility to practice or try out a performance space if available and reserved in advance. Please reach out to the Student Services Office by email at
How can I return to my instrument after a break?
Making short and long-term goals, creating comforting rituals, rewarding yourself… we have many tips for returning to your instrument in a loving, open, and curious way in this blog post: 5 Healthy Ways to Return to Your Instrument After a Break
Do you have other questions?
Use the chat function in the lower right-hand corner of the website, fill out our contact form, or schedule a call.