Add music to your learning pod this fall!
Music is an important part of a well-rounded educational program
Music helps your child develop critical thinking skills, builds emotional and social well-being, and provides an important outlet for creativity–all critical during these unique and challenging times. Our experienced educators can provide your pod with creative, interactive instruction including learning to play an instrument together (guitar and ukulele are favorites), discovering music of different cultures, learning basic music theory, or improvising on the instruments you already play.
Instruction is available in a variety of packages (for example, classes may be once or twice weekly for 4, 6, 8, or 10 weeks). We are happy to customize curriculum based on age, developmental level, and topic of interest or instrument requested. Pricing is based on number of students, length of instruction, and complexity of curriculum.
Music education ideas for your learning pod:
- Rhythm Planet: An exploration of rhythm using “found sounds” from around your environment, simple rhythm instruments, and drums. (Adjustable; any age group or level)
- Introduction to Music Theory: Learn to read music, understand meter, and sing simple tunes at sight. (Upper elementary/middle school)
- Instrument group classes: Geared toward beginners, these group classes are available for piano, violin, guitar, ukulele.
- Pod bands or orchestras: Has school suspended your ensemble? We will keep you playing together! We can customize sessions to work on learning a piece together, reading rhythms, sight-reading, intonation, and more.
- Special topics in music history: Learn about the Beatles, Beethoven, protest songs, jazz, or whatever your pod is curious about with these customized units on specific topics.
Please inquire if your pod has a specific interest!
Interested in adding music to your learning pod curriculum?
Read about why music is important for your child’s development:
From the Very Beginning: Music and Your Child
The Many Benefits of Music and Music Education
Music or Athletics – What’s the Best Choice for Your Child?